I forgot my password, how can I obtain a new one?
Simply follow the 'Forgot your password?’ link on our Sign In page and enter your email address. You’ll then receive an email to reset your password.
We can't access your password on your behalf as the database is encrypted for your security.

What materials are the garments made from?
At Filiarmi we pride ourselves on the quality of the fabric we use. Almost all of our light to mid weight fabrics are made of silk. When we have to use heavy weight fabrics we try to use viscose mix fabrics. We use artificial fabrics in certain styles and usually they help us to reduce creases.

Where are your clothes manufactured?
We work very hard to develop our samples in our studio or in a producer in Istanbul. We have opportunity to track the production process closely for the garments that are made in Istanbul.

How can I return items to you?
Please refer to Returns and Exchanges Policy page for information to get your return processed with us.

What are your size guidelines?
You can find our size guide page.

Are your garments true to size?
In most of the cases, yes. However, you can email customercare@filiarmi.com for a more specific answer to individual garments.

How do I take my measurements to use to relate to your clothing measurements?
Please guide where to measure below:
LENGTH – Measured from Centre back at neck edge to hem
SHOULDER WIDTH  – Measured from right shoulder seam to left shoulder seam
BUST – Measured full circumference at largest bust area position
WAIST – Measured full circumference at true waist or waist band
SLEEVE  – Measured from centre shoulder point to cuff edge